Monday, October 26, 2009

I had a guitar lesson today, and have finally begun to come to grips with the reality that I am simply a phenomenally lazy individual.

I was finally able to have internet installed in my house one month ago. In discussions with my guitar teacher, whom I pay far too much in order to have him languish listening to me practicing things we talked about me thinking about practicing a week ago, we came to the conclusion that the aforementioned internet is interfering with my learning the guitar. Specifically, if I'm to lounge on the couch and reach out and pick up something to fiddle with, it's more likely at this point to be the laptop rather than the guitar due to the simple expedient that I have to pick up the guitar AND a book, rather than simply reach for the computer. In this case, less really is more.

I wonder sometimes just how transferable laziness is. Is it a character trait, or simply a lack of initiative at a particular time and place? Activated by some issues and not by others? I'm remarkably lazy, for example, about feeding the cat. It's not really my cat, and if not for a combination of the maid (weekdays) and the readily-available rats available on the run (weekends, when the maid isn't here) I think it might just have starved. Please don't tell my old roommate.

I'm reminded of watching my friends baby-sit this weekend. They had three young-uns, approximately 2x4 and 1x6. We were at the pool and they were watching the triathlon - when eventually, the kids having gotten their clothes completely drenched, my friends let the kids strip down to their underwear and splash around happy as pigs in word my grandpa used to always used when I was in that situation. My friend`s comment was that it was either "good practice, or good contraception" ...but it was clear she just found the thought of chasing them exhausting. We chatted about older vs. younger siblings, and how by the time the younger come around the parents have usually decided it's unlikely to kill itself, and just let it run on its' own devises.


This week promises to be interesting. I had guitar tonight and am on my way to site visits tomorrow morning. I`m therefore missing a dinner party tomorrow, and a recital for Handel`s Messiah on Wednesday, and a bible study on Thursday, let alone normal training which would be squashed in there. BUT, I`m finally out in the FIELD! I really do love this city, particularly in the blanket of purple blossoms at this time of year, but speaking of laziness, I`ve no sense of the actual work our partners do and the daily grind of an average Zimbabwean`s life and I find I`m more inspired upon field visits - so much so, that I don`t even miss the French cuisine I was to be served on a weekday evening.

Any point or result to all of the above rumination?
- someday, my children better be better than cats at getting my attention;
- I now understand my parent`s interaction with my little sister a little better;
- The laptop is being placed on the side table approximately on the other side of the guitar from the couch. I`ll let you know how it goes.