Sunday, November 29, 2009

moving blog addresses

Hi folks,

I'm betraying my lack of technology savy by admitting I'd basically half-forgotten that I had a blog a few years back and it's still functional. I've decided it does make sence to have all posts in one location, so I've actually imported previous posts into that one and all further posts will be put in it directly:

Sorry for any confusion!

country boy in the big city; a tale of woe

Dear friends, family, and other randoms who may happen upon this,

Should you have been walking in the northern low density suburb of Mt.Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe, Southern Africa, on a lazy Sunday afternoon, you would likely have happened upon a curious sight; in front of imposing green walls and the large black electric gate in this sprawling neighbourhood, inhabited by wealthy Zimbabweans and foreign diplomats, a young white woman in a pretty green dress stands there loudly and emphatically shouting at a young black man in the dark green uniform of the local security company Minetech, while a well dressed older black man looks on in bemusement - as do the many passer-bys, primarily staff of the owners of the surrounding houses.

While the sight is perhaps enough to garner a chuckle - or at least, likely enough to rouse one's curiosity - the subject was far from amusing. Specifically, I was absolutely infuriated to the point of screaming fury by the guard's comment that the gardener's suicide attempt on the property this Friday was due to the fact that he has been doing the dishes instead of the wife. Clearly, that's enough to drive any man to suicide. Why, even worse, they've been sleeping in separate beds! Imagine that. The gardener having a "small house" aka, girlfriend on the side he maintains in full comfort, has led the wife to refuse to even sleep with her husband.

Personally, I'm delighted that's the case - maybe the HIV/AIDs that the gardener has likely contracted has not been transmitted back to the wife. Maybe. What's really unfortunate is the fact that his big new job - gardening for an embassy employee - is undoubtedly what led to him having enough cash to lure that girlfriend. Ouch. Country boy in the big's a tale that's been repeated around the world over the ages, but I've never been so directly implicated. It's actually the reason I allowed the wife to move onto the property when he started the job as often staff live seperate from their spouses when they're living on the properties of their employers, which increases the risk they`ll pick up a girlfriend on the side. But really, there`s nothing that can be done about the fact that as adults we`re completely free to make incredibly bad decisions for our lives and those of our loved ones. Love it or hate it, that's the reality of being a grown-up....

Anyways. Aside from bringing the gardener to the hospital to have his stomach pumped I've sent him and his wife and young daughter (who was present, by the way, during the wailing and screaming after the bathroom door was kicked in to discover her father in the bathroom trying to down a bottle of pills in one go) to their original home of Marondera for the week and a bit. I've also made it clear (in writing, which he's signed) that if they're NOT in Marondera with family this week it constitutes unauthorized leave from work he will not have a job to come back to at the end of it.

That well dressed gentleman in the first the Catholic priest from the house next door and who knows both the gardener and his wife and was offering to mediate when they come back. Great. Seriously. Honestly, an answer to prayer because my biggest concern is their need for actual counselling so there is no "next time" to the "attempting to kill himself."

In other news this weekend....I sang in Handle's "Messiah" which was lovely, as was the after-party with the rest of the choir and mini-orchestra afterwards. I also went to a lovely housewarming party....which was something you normally only see in movies. Oh, Zimbabwe....sprawling house, live music (fiddles and guitars once, another time guitars and singing and African drumming...just a thriving party) and people skinny-and-not-so-skinny dipping in the pool....I, by the way, have a wet dress to prove it!...lots of laughter and cool peeps and conversation and dancing. Truly an amazing evening.

Plus...afternoon braai (Canadian "bbq") with my home group bible study this afternoon.

All in generally the case in Zim...the extremes in life. Which is kinda what I like, and also what kinda drives me crazy at times. Oh well, I've always been an extremest, so I suppose it caters to my personality.

By the way - I WILL have pictures and revamp this thing one of these days soon! Probably this week. Someone harass me if it doesn't happen ;o)

Finally, I decided this past week to join my friend Rachel in her overland trip to Rwanda over Christmas. We're leaving on Dec 16th and will be going via public transit through Zambia/Tanzania/Burundi to Rwanda, spending a few days over Christmas with my old roommate Anna, then I'll be flying back via Ethiopia and staying a night at my friend Ben's place before back to Harare for work the week of the 30th. Cool eh? There will DEFINITELY be picts up from that one!

Much love,


ps - for all of those who pray, please add some for the country-turned-city-boy Peter Rati and family

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I am singing in a choir.

Before that singing, I had dinner with some young women whom I actually convinced to join, young teachers (24-26ish) who are teachers at a private young women's school in Harare.

Various topics get flipped around, and later in the evening I get accused (or credited? depends on the perspective) of being "ubiquitous."

I suppose this came in reference to the fact that I ran into one of these young women at an event totally unrelated to the one I'd met her in, but still....

I've been in Harare a year plus a month, and I've been actively trying to get to know more people here, settle in a little more. A lot of my friends this past year (many, but not all) have been foreign, and have since left, leaving me with far fewer friends than I had earlier in the year. As such, I've been trying to branch out lately. I've managed a few more friends in the white Zimbabwean community, but it's hard to find people open outside of that community.

These past few weeks have been fantastic though for finding like-minded in various communities, including upcoming 50th birthday parties. Hm. I can hear your thinking.50ths? Yup. But they're cool peeps, each from different bible studies, and I'm actually really appreciative of the invitations. Going to a party every weekend, or every night of every weekend, can be done by any newcomer; getting to the point of invitation of 50th b-day celebration of your local bible study participants is something else. I LOVE getting to know the more personal details over a long tea or coffee, and with settled people that takes TIME. TIME TIME TIME. A year's weekly investment, really, is simply the beginning for those kinds of relationship and perhaps that is the better judge of how well I'm settling in than all the braai or camping invites - or lack thereof - that Harare has to offer.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Extracts from a beautiful slice of time

I have had a beautiful week.

- road trip! to the national park Hwange
- Paid road trip! to the national park Hwange (sometimes, I love my job)
- visit to an amazingly organized women`s centre in rural Zim
- community workshop
- talking with journalists in rural Zim
- finding a funky fabric and dress shop in the half hour in Bulawayo. Shocking my male colleagues in the process (really, it was quite tucked away and an amazing find)
- time to read, which I did; specifically, `Boundaries` which my bible study has been going through; the good book itself; and Atwood's 'Payback' which along with her earlier 'Handmaid's Tale' is probably now one of my favourite books
- going swimming at lunch hour, in an outdoor pool (my absolute favourite - I always look for a pool wherever I live, I'm completely chuffed that I managed one that is on my way to and from work, and is outdoor to boot)
- practicing/playing guitar for my colleagues, and then their compliments making me realize it`s comparable to my swimming - ie, compared to anyone who`s done it regularly for years I suck, but compared to the general population I`m actually not half bad! How empowering!
- Friday pubbing then dancing with different friends, including meeting a bunch of new folks through my friends ;o)
- book fair, and finding local books, those oft-sought-after-and-rarely-acquired-items
- having a published friend in the book fair! and lunch after
- box-shattering conversation. Not quite earth shattering, but I love stomping on and squishing boxes. Maybe it`s been replaced by a hexagon, but still something slightly less rigid. And I love one on one conversations with some actual degree of depth, so that was cool too.
- dinner party with cool peeps, who actually remind me more of people my step-mother would be friends with than myself, but cool nonetheless (or else, I`m just getting old)
- actually coming up with and following through with a Halloween costume
- friend having real grape vine leaves to add to aforementioned costume! Amazing!
- Halloween party with a wide variety of people
- sailing with friends (first time in a small sail boat in....10 years)

There were a few Downs, but they didn't make it a less beautiful week, rather the Ups above were more appreciated than perhaps I would have otherwise:
- project partners being arrested (now out on bail)
- friend being arrested (thankfully not, however, thrown in jail)
- friend`s father dying (nope, nothing to be done on this one)
- friend breaking a shoulder (now cast)
-, just kidding ;o)

Ah, to bed now, otherwise I shall be too tired to enjoy the friends over for dinner tomorrow!

Monday, October 26, 2009

I had a guitar lesson today, and have finally begun to come to grips with the reality that I am simply a phenomenally lazy individual.

I was finally able to have internet installed in my house one month ago. In discussions with my guitar teacher, whom I pay far too much in order to have him languish listening to me practicing things we talked about me thinking about practicing a week ago, we came to the conclusion that the aforementioned internet is interfering with my learning the guitar. Specifically, if I'm to lounge on the couch and reach out and pick up something to fiddle with, it's more likely at this point to be the laptop rather than the guitar due to the simple expedient that I have to pick up the guitar AND a book, rather than simply reach for the computer. In this case, less really is more.

I wonder sometimes just how transferable laziness is. Is it a character trait, or simply a lack of initiative at a particular time and place? Activated by some issues and not by others? I'm remarkably lazy, for example, about feeding the cat. It's not really my cat, and if not for a combination of the maid (weekdays) and the readily-available rats available on the run (weekends, when the maid isn't here) I think it might just have starved. Please don't tell my old roommate.

I'm reminded of watching my friends baby-sit this weekend. They had three young-uns, approximately 2x4 and 1x6. We were at the pool and they were watching the triathlon - when eventually, the kids having gotten their clothes completely drenched, my friends let the kids strip down to their underwear and splash around happy as pigs in word my grandpa used to always used when I was in that situation. My friend`s comment was that it was either "good practice, or good contraception" ...but it was clear she just found the thought of chasing them exhausting. We chatted about older vs. younger siblings, and how by the time the younger come around the parents have usually decided it's unlikely to kill itself, and just let it run on its' own devises.


This week promises to be interesting. I had guitar tonight and am on my way to site visits tomorrow morning. I`m therefore missing a dinner party tomorrow, and a recital for Handel`s Messiah on Wednesday, and a bible study on Thursday, let alone normal training which would be squashed in there. BUT, I`m finally out in the FIELD! I really do love this city, particularly in the blanket of purple blossoms at this time of year, but speaking of laziness, I`ve no sense of the actual work our partners do and the daily grind of an average Zimbabwean`s life and I find I`m more inspired upon field visits - so much so, that I don`t even miss the French cuisine I was to be served on a weekday evening.

Any point or result to all of the above rumination?
- someday, my children better be better than cats at getting my attention;
- I now understand my parent`s interaction with my little sister a little better;
- The laptop is being placed on the side table approximately on the other side of the guitar from the couch. I`ll let you know how it goes.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

considering resuscitation

I have - at last! - internet in my home. I've been thinking about blogging for the last few months and am considering actually acting on that urge. Given that there are others I'm not so permissive about so I'm figuring this might be a good one to allow myself to act opposed to the never absence urge to turn my ridiculous hedges in my crazy garden into Veggie Tale bushes - my security officer wouldn't approve, so alas, here I am stuck writing.